Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am waiting for nothing.
No one will come,no one will show.
It's only me and a not-so-broken ego.

Where are you my Prince Charming?
The one who will sweep me off my feet.
Are you still with your ugly princess
While I'm left here to weep?

Friday, April 25, 2008

I've been working so hard and maybe this is the price I have to pay... LMAO. Oh shets,I'm down with flue again rawr.

This is how I do my work,lol. :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What will my supervisors think if they caught me blogging?Haha. I need a break too. I got another sale again but it's still pending,darn haha.
45 Minutes to go before lunchtime...

It's 11:20 am and I'm soaking with sweat here. Darn,the stupid airconditioning unit's not working again. I glanced outside and noticed the dark clouds scurrying across the used-to-be clear blue sky.
I sighed,no sale for the past 4 hours. Darn.
An hour and a half to go...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Work,work and more work.

Whew,it's been a long time since I last posted an article here. Anyway, well I just started working on a call center and so far its been pretty tiring yet fun. And after 4 days, I finally had my first sale,wohoo.

So because Im working now,I dont think I can update my blog more often. Like today, I just sneaked out and opened my site cuz I wanna share this experience. My first sale ever,wohoo.

Anyway,I'll update you guys later later later. I still have to work extra hard. My supervisors are right,hard work means hard cash.

Happy summer guys! -xoxo