Thursday, September 6, 2007

I so hate school. I'd tell you why.

This morning during Filipino class, our effin teacher got pissed off with some of my classmates for not participating in the just celebrated Araw ng Wika. She got pissed off that she started dissing my classmates, she asked one in particular "So, you all agreed not to attend the activity?" and my classmate spoke up and said "No ma'am, it was just a coincident that the five of us were absent during the acitivity". Our effin teacher got mad and said "Don't talk back! I didn't ask for your answer. Kung maldita ka, mas maldita ko!" (Well, sorry for those who don't understood Cebuano). Bitch, I hate her soooo much and you know what's worse? She said that we have to bring our parents so that they should know what the hell we were doin' in school. Hah! No way, no fuckin way. Bagsak na kung bagsak, but I won't let my parents come to school. I (or rather WE) have to face the war all by ourselves. Rawr, I getting pissed off.

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